11 ways mushrooms can improve your health

Eating mushrooms protects the body from the physiological stress that causes visible signs of ageing.

Mushrooms protect your brain as you become older. It contains antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione, which aid in avoiding Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Those who eat mushrooms regularly have a lower risk of depression.

Glutamate ribonucleotides in mushrooms improve the taste of foods by replacing salt, which promotes heart health.

Mushrooms also make an excellent, satisfying alternative for red meat in any dish, eliminating calories, fat, and cholesterol.

You can meet your daily vitamin D need and improve your bone health by consuming just three ounces of UVB-exposed mushrooms.

Mushrooms assist the body in using energy from food and producing red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body.

Having two three-and-a-half cup meals of cooked mushrooms each week lessens your chances of developing mild cognitive decline.

Mushrooms contain macronutrients that promote immune system health.

Mushrooms promote gut health by encouraging the growth of beneficial microorganisms.

Mushrooms enhance flavour without adding sodium or fat.