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Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

10 High-Protein Foods Other Than Eggs

This tiny globule-like food are extremely nutritious and often highly recommended for its multiple benefits. Every ½ cup of chickpeas contains 8 grams of protein, rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin K.


This plant-based nutritious food is often considered a healthy, comfort food. Intake of ½ cup of lentils will provide 9 grams of protein. Again, this is an instant substitute for eggs.


Do you know that this fibre-rich food can boost your protein intake and keep sugar, cholesterol at bay? 1 cup of red beans supply 12 grams of protein. And ½ cup black bean contains 8 grams of protein.

Kidney Beans

Another plant-based protein, selenium, zinc, copper-rich food that supplies 28 grams of protein in every cup. This versatile legume is a must in the diet plan.


When cooked, this fibre-rich, plant-based whole-grain apart from providing essential amino acids, contain 8 grams of protein in per 1 cup. It is consumed for weight loss and many other health benefits.


Another surprise package is the iron-rich pumpkin seeds that can provide 10 grams of protein per 1/4th cup serving.

Pumpkin Seeds

Consuming just 2 tbsp of this will provide 7grams protein. Have it in a toast or smoothie. Even an ounce of peanuts contain 7.3 grams of protein that would keep you full and healthy.

Peanut Butter

Rich in Vitamin E, copper, magnesium, almonds are a wonderful source of protein as well. You can derive 7 grams of protein from 1/4th cup of almonds.


A yummy probiotic food from which you could derive 23 grams of protein.

Greek Yogurt

Including this palatable food in your diet is a great way to ensure a significant amount of protein supply to your body. Low in calories, 100 grams of cottage cheese serves 23 grams of protein.

Cottage Cheese