Try these 10 yoga poses to look younger

Forever Young: 

Downward-Facing Dog stretches and strengthens various muscle groups, including the arms, legs, and core. It also promotes blood circulation to the face, giving you a radiant complexion.

Fish Pose opens up the chest and throat, helping to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders. It stimulates the thyroid gland, which supports metabolism and energy levels.

Camel Pose stretches the front of the body and improves posture, contributing to a more confident and youthful appearance.

Plow Pose is excellent for improving digestion and relieving stress. It also stimulates the thyroid gland and stretches the spine and neck muscles.

Strengthening the back, hips, and glutes, Bridge Pose helps to alleviate lower back discomfort and enhances the flexibility of the spine.

Twisted Chair Pose combines a twist and a balance, providing a detoxifying effect and boosting digestion. Twists also enhance spinal mobility, contributing to a more youthful posture.

Corpse Pose allows the body to rest and rejuvenate. Mindfulness and relaxation practices can have a positive impact on stress reduction and overall well-being.

Seated Forward Fold promotes flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back. It also calms the mind and contribute to better sleep quality.

Legs Up the Wall Pose improves circulation, reduces swelling in the legs, and provides a calming effect on the nervous system.

A gentle resting pose that releases tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, Child's Pose offers a moment of relaxation and helps to centre the mind.