10 Tips for Losing Weight During Festive Season

Producer:  Riya Ashok

To keep your calorie intake under control, consume a healthy meal.

To prevent overeating, use smaller dishes and offer yourself sensible servings.

Instead of drinking sugary beverages, choose water or other low-calorie options.

Eat mindfully and stop when you are satiated but not overstuffed.

Choose vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, and avoid fried foods in favour of grilled, baked, or steamed alternatives.

If you decide to consume alcohol, do it sparingly and alternate with water.

After meals, go for a stroll, dance at events, or play joyful games that require movement.

Tell a friend or family member about your weight loss objectives so they can assist hold you accountable. 

Remember that weight loss is a journey, and it's okay to have setbacks as long as you stay committed to your goals.

Allow yourself to indulge in festive treats occasionally, but practice moderation.