Say goodbye to body odour with these 10 foods

If you sweat more and its smelly, consider eating more and more green veggies. Spinach, lettuce, kale, arugula and other leafy green vegetables contain high levels of chlorophyll, which neutralise odour-inducing components in the body.

Consume oranges, lemons, and grapefruits to get rid of bad body odour, as citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and aid in detoxification and odour reduction.

Yoghurt, kempeh, miso, buttermilk, and kimchi assist digestion and enhance gut health, lowering body odour.

Herbs like mint, cilantro, and rosemary can work wonders to battle body odour, as they have natural deodorising properties.

When taken on a regular basis, fenugreek acts as an organic deodorant and may help to reduce body smell.

Catechins, the organic antioxidants found in green tea, help with detoxification, resulting into the reduced body odour.

Stay hydrated by eating cooling foods high in water, such as cucumber, which aid in the removal of pollutants, reducing body smell.

Brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa are high in minerals and fibre, which aid digestion and minimise body odour.

Drinking enough water is crucial for reducing overall body odour. It aids in the removal of pollutants and the regulation of body temperature.

A single cardamon is sufficient to combat foul breath and body smell.