5 Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Cookies and Cakes

Packed with added sugar and calories, these foods do not keep your tummy full for long and you end up starving again.


Consuming alcohol is often linked to weight gain. Beer, in particular, can be detrimental to weight loss efforts due to its high-calorie content.

Sugary Drinks

Consuming beverages with high sugar content, such as soda, in excessive amounts can have a negative impact on your health. The calories from liquid sugar do not provide a feeling of fullness.

French Fries

These popular snacks are typically high in calories and fat, which can lead to weight gain. It is advisable to limit the consumption of fries and potato chips for better health outcomes.


Many commercially available pizzas are made with ingredients such as highly refined flour and processed meats, which may not provide optimal nutrition.