Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

10 Natural Fertilizers for Houseplants

Banana peel

They are a rich source of potassium and also contain small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium.


They are a rich source of calcium and phosphorus. Additionally, they reduce acidity in the soil.

Worm tea

Turn your kitchen scrap into tea for your plants by placing them in a worm farm. The worms will help break down the scraps into a nutritional liquid.

Cooking water

The water that you use to boil or steam your veggies is packed with nutrients, which can be a natural fertilzer for your plants.

Coffee ground

 Coffee drinkers can use the coffee grounds as fertilizer for their plants. They help increase the soil's acidity.

Green tea

Save the used green tea bags and use them as nutrients for the soil.

Epsom salt

It is rich in magnesium and sulfate, which can be mixed with water and sprayed onto your plants.

Fish tank water

Water from aquariums contain nitrogen and potassium from the fish waste.


Yes, your hair and even your pet's hair can be used as natural fertilizers for your indoor plants.


Molasses mixed with water can give your plants ample nutrition.