7 Houseplants That Help With Lung Health

Producer:  Riya Ashok

In addition to increasing humidity and releasing oxygen, spider plants are proven to improve indoor comfort.

The graceful white blossoms of peace lilies are well-known, and they can help with respiratory comfort.

In addition to its soothing gel, aloe vera is also renowned for its ability to filter the air.

Formaldehyde and xylene can be effectively removed from the air by Boston ferns.

Areca Palm is effective at removing indoor air toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Rubber Plant is effective at removing formaldehyde from the air.

English Ivy is known for its ability to remove airborne mold and formaldehyde particles.

Boston Fern is effective in removing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from indoor air.