Moneycontrol News, August 18, 2023

Images: Canva

Don't ignore these 7 warning signs  of weak bones

Bone weakness, or osteoporosis, is a common condition characterised by decreased bone mass and compromised structural integrity. Recognising its signs is essential for an active lifestyle

Brittle nails: Brittle, easily breakable nails are a subtle sign of weak bones. This is due to the interplay of minerals like calcium and collagen that are essential for both nail and bone health

Frequent fractures: If your bones are fragile, they are more prone to breaking even with minimal force. These fractures often occur in areas like the wrists, hips, and spine. These are the biggest signs

Posture problems: See a gradual decline in your posture, like a pronounced hunch in your back? It could be due to weakened vertebral bones. These changes indicate conditions like osteoporosis, where bones become porous and fragile

Decreased grip strength: An abrupt reduction in grip strength is a sign of weak bones. The strength of your grip is linked to the health of your forearm bones, and changes could hint at potential bone density issues

Joint aches and pains: Bones and joints work in tandem to provide stability and movement, so when bones lose their strength, it can put extra strain on joints, leading to discomfort

Loss of height: As bone density diminishes, the vertebrae in your spine may compress, leading to a reduction in height! This is another potential sign of osteoporosis or reduced bone density

Receding gums: Gums that are receding or pulling away from your teeth might suggest weakening bones in your jaw. The jawbone supports your teeth, and when it begins to weaken, it can lead to oral health issues and even tooth loss