Unappetising Delights: 10 worst rated food dishes in the world

Zupa truskawkowa Zupa truskawkowa, also known as strawberry soup, is a typical Polish meal that has been ranked tenth on the list of the worst-rated dishes.

Bocadillo con carne de caballo Eating horse meat sandwiches is not for everyone. Bocadillo con carne de caballo ranked the ninth worst dish in the world.

Pittsburgh salad The Pittsburgh salad's mix of grilled meat, French fries, cheese, and veggies can be overwhelming for many, placing it at number eight.

Calskrove Sweden's Calskrove may lack widespread appeal due to its unconventional blend of flavours, combining sweet and savoury notes that some find conflicting. It ranked seventh. 

Luther burger The Luther burger of the United States is one of the world's unhealthiest burgers, and is a turn off for many people, ranking it at number six.

Sklandrausis Sklandrausis, a Latvian dish with a rye crust and carrot filling, ranked fifth. It might not appeal due to its acquired taste.

Devilled kidneys Devilled kidneys from England have intense flavour and distinctive texture. The dish features kidneys cooked in a spicy and tangy sauce, which can overwhelm palates sensitive to strong tastes, raking it as the fourth worst dish. 

Indigirka salad The Indigirka salad of Russia is a salad unlike any other. It consists of diced frozen fish that is combined with onions, oil, salt, and pepper. The unfamiliar taste has it ranked at number three.

Ramen burger At rank two is the Ramen burger. Its unconventional fusion of buns made from fried ramen noodles with a burger patty hasn't appealed to everyone.

Hákarl The worst rated dish in the world is Iceland's national delicacy Hákarl. The fermented shark meat is disliked due to its pungent ammonia-rich odour and intense flavour.