5 Things Completed by the Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Producer: Peuli Bakshi

ISRO's most looked forward mission - the Chandrayaan-3, was a success on August 23, 2023 at 6:04 pm, creating history.

On August 24, ISRO released videos of how the Lander Imager Camera captured the moon's image just prior to soft landing, and of the Rover's ramping down from the Lander to the Lunar surface.

What is soft landing ?

A soft landing refers to a spacecraft's safe descend, under controlled speed, on the desired surface, avoiding any scope of damage.


        India became the only country to achieve a soft landing on moon's south pole - an unexplored area.


        After the Lander's touchdown on moon, a rover came out of it and moved around moon's surface.


        Chandrayaan-3 was different from India's previous attempts, as it achieved success without a separate orbiter. The propulsion module served as an orbiter during the mission.


        An objective of the mission was to enable conducting of in-situ scientific experiments, which was made possible by the safe landing.


        ISRO will now be able to study lunar quakes, thermal properties of the lunar surface and changes in the plasma near moon's surface.

Moon's south pole has extremely low temperature, rugged mountains, vast craters, dark lobate scarps due to prolonged shadow, making it extremely difficult to land, but India finally made it.