Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Box Jellyfish

Their tentacles contain venomous cells called nematocysts, which release toxins upon contact, causing severe pain and even death in some cases.

Inland Taipan Snake

Also known as the 'fierce snake',  it has highly potent venom that can cause paralysis and internal bleeding.

Blue-Ringed Octopus

They carry venom that contains tetrodotoxin, causing muscle paralysis and respiratory failure in humans.

Cone Snail

Their harpoon-like tooth injects venom that paralyzes prey, but some species have toxins that can be lethal to humans.

Dubois Sea Snake

Deadliest of all sea snakes, they can cause paralysis, blurry vision, difficulty swallowing or speaking, and even death.


It can open its jaws upto 170 degrees when biting. Its venom contains hemotoxin that disrupts human's blood coagulation. 

Funnel-Web Spider

Its venom contains neurotoxins that can lead to muscle spasms, breathing difficulties, and potentially death.

Indian Red Scorpion

Its venom contains a potent mix of neurotoxins that affects the nervous system. It can cause severe pain, muscle spasms, difficulty in breathing, and even death.

Saw-Scaled Viper

Its venom is highly hemotoxic, causing the destruction of RBCs and tissue damage. It can lead to symptoms like bleeding, swelling, and organ failure.

King Cobra

Its venom contains both neurotoxins and cardiotoxins that can lead to paralysis and heart failure.