Aditya-L1’s mission objectives and payload - An engineering marvel

Launch Rehearsal Triumph ISRO recently announced the successful completion of the launch rehearsal and internal assessments of the rocket, setting the stage for the grand mission

Countdown to Liftoff Scheduled for September 2 at 11:50 AM from the Sriharikota spaceport, the mission is approaching its launch with meticulous preparation.

Solar Insights from a Distance Aditya-L1's main objective is to enable Indian astrophysicists to remotely study the Sun and its multifaceted phenomena.

Unveiling Coronal Mysteries The mission will delve into the intricate realms of coronal heating, coronal mass ejections, pre-flare, and flare activities, shedding light on their distinct characteristics

Space Weather Revelation Aditya-L1's investigations are poised to enhance our comprehension of space weather dynamics and the behaviour of particles and fields during their interstellar journey

VELC - The Eye on the Sun The Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) payload, the observatory's centerpiece, will take 1440 super high-resolution images of the Sun, every day and relay them to ISRO

SUIT's Ultraviolet Gaze The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) payload will use near-ultraviolet imaging to visualize the Solar Photosphere and Chromosphere. SUIT's measurements will also track solar irradiance variations

X-ray Flare Insight The Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS) and High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS) payloads will work together to capture wide spectrum X-ray flares revealing hidden solar reactions

In-situ Precision The Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment  will scrutinize solar wind and energetic ions, while the Plasma Analyser Package For Aditya  will study electrons and other particles