11 countries and their national fruits

Known as the "King of Fruits," the mango holds a special place in Indian’s heart.

India: Mango 

Apples are a widely cultivated and enjoyed fruit in both the US and Australia.

United States, Australia: Apple

Guavas are a common fruit in Pakistan and are enjoyed fresh, as well as in various dishes.

Pakistan: Guava

Pomegranates have historical and cultural significance in Afghanistan, and their sweet-tart seeds are used in various dishes.

Afghanistan: Pomegranate

Lychees are a popular and cherished fruit in China, known for their sweet and fragrant flavour.

China: Lychee

Known as the "queen of fruits," jackfruit is a staple in Sri Lankan cuisine and is enjoyed ripe or as a curry.

Sri Lanka: Jackfruit

Despite its divisive smell, durian is known as the "king of fruits" in Singapore and has a dedicated following.

Singapore: Durian

The persimmon is often enjoyed during the fall season in Japan.

Japan: Persimmon

Grapes have deep roots in Italian history, with wine production being a central part of their culture.

Italy: Grape

This exotic-looking fruit has cultural importance in Vietnam.

Vietnam: Dragon Fruit