Moneycontrol News September 2, 2023

Does sage burning really help cleanse your space?

Images: UnSplash

Sage cleansing or smudging is a practice many believe can help remove negative energy and promote positive energy in a space or around a person.

It involves the burning of dried sage (typically white sage or sagebrush) to cleanse and purify a space, person or object.

Sage cleansing has deep roots in indigenous cultures, particularly in Native American traditions. It signifies spiritual purification and connection with nature.

Whether or not sage cleansing "works" in removing negative energy is about one's belief and experience. Some people report feeling a sense of clarity, relaxation or improved energy in the space after smudging. However, others may not notice any significant change..

Practitioners begin sage cleansing by setting a clear intention. This intention can about a desire to purify the environment or to promote positive energy in a space.

The sage bundle is ignited, and once it catches fire, the flame is blown out, allowing the sage to smolder and produce smoke. This smoke is then wafted around the space, object, or person using a feather or the practitioner's hand.

Safety precautions are also essential, such as using a fireproof container to catch ashes and ensuring that the smoldering sage is fully extinguished after use.