Are you new to running?  10 tips to get you started

Begin with a gentle pace to avoid overexertion and injury. You can walk if needed and gradually increase your running time.

Start Slow

Invest in good running shoes that fit well to prevent discomfort and injury.

Proper Footwear

Always warm up with light stretches to prepare your muscles for the run.


Establish a regular running schedule to build endurance and improve fitness.


Pay attention to any discomfort or pain, and rest when necessary to prevent injury.

Listen to Your Body

Increase your distance and intensity gradually to avoid overtraining.

Gradual Progression

Incorporate rest days and cross-training activities like yoga or swimming to prevent burnout.

Mix It Up

Maintain proper running form with a straight back and relaxed arms to reduce strain.

Good Posture

Stay hydrated before and after your run, and eat a balanced diet to support your energy levels.

Hydrate and Fuel

Celebrate your progress, set achievable goals, and have fun while running.

Enjoy the Journey