7 Inspiring Quotes by Sashi Tharoor on Women

Producer:  Riya Ashok

"Women's empowerment is not just a women's issue; it's a societal issue. When women are given equal opportunities, society as a whole benefits."

"We must challenge traditional stereotypes and norms that limit women's potential. Women can excel in any field when given the chance."

"Gender equality isn't just about women catching up to men; it's about creating a world where both genders have equal opportunities to thrive."

"The strength of a society is often measured by the status of its women. Empower women, and you empower the nation."

"Education is the key to unlocking the potential of women. When we educate a girl, we empower her to change the world."

"Women have always been leaders; it's time we recognize and celebrate their leadership in all aspects of life."

"Let us strive for a world where women are not just beneficiaries of progress but active agents of change."

"Let us strive for a world where women are not just beneficiaries of progress but active agents of change."