Brown bread vs whole wheat bread

Moneycontrol News September 4, 2023

Bread is one of the most common food items and is a part of almost every cuisine. Be it breakfast or dinner, bread is had by a majority of population every day.

There are several kinds of breads available in the market. However, the ingredients used in the making differ. While some are made from whole wheat, others are prepared with refined flour.

There is a lot of confusion around whole wheat bread and brown bread. So, which one is healthier? Brown bread is typically made with a combo of whole wheat and refined flour.

It also has different colouring agents to give it that brown colour. It is less nutritious as it doesn’t contain the bran, endosperm and germ that whole wheat bread has.

Brown bread also has less fibre, vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, whole wheat bread is made up of bran, endosperm and germ and is a powerhouse of fibre, antioxidants, protein, carbs, vitamin B and E and some healthy fats.

Whole wheat bread can make you feel full easily and also has lesser calories than brown bread.

It is not fully processed like brown bread and has all the benefits in good proportions.