10 Birds That Can Swim Underwater

Producer: Peuli Bakshi


Penguins are the most famous underwater swimmers among birds. They use their flipper-like wings to 'fly' underwater, hunting for fish and krill.


Some ducks tend to swim and dive very deep underwater to find their food. They love water and inhabit in wetlands or waterbodies.


Puffins are excellent swimmers and divers. They use their wings to propel themselves underwater in search of fish.


They have dense, waterproof feathers that allow them to dive and swim underwater to catch fish. They are often seen perched with their wings outstretched to dry.


Grebes are skilled divers and swimmers. They have lobed toes and are well adapted for life in the water.


Coots can swim underwater to forage for aquatic vegetation. They are often seen diving and using their lobed toes to propel themselves.


Gannets are large seabirds known for their spectacular high-speed dives into the water to catch fish.


Pelicans are known for their distinctive bill pouches, which they use to scoop up fish while swimming on water surface. Although they are not deep divers, they are skilled swimmers.


Loons have strong legs and feet positioned far back on their bodies, which makes them agile in the water. They dive to catch fish and can stay submerged for extended periods.


Geese are proficient swimmers. They can paddle on the water's surface and tip forward to feed on aquatic plants.