8 Flowers You Can Eat in Goa

Producer:  Riya Ashok

'Agua de Jamaica,' a cooling drink made from hibiscus blossoms, is popular in Jamaica. 

Curry recipes and stir-fries both use the Sesbania Grandiflora plant's delicate blossoms.

Salads and curries both contain banana blossoms. They provide dimension to Goan meals with their distinctive flavour and texture.

Primrose of Ganges (Krishnachura): In Goan cooking, these vivid red or orange blooms are occasionally used as a visually pleasing garnish or to give colour to dishes.

Drumstick flowers, known for their health benefits, are frequently used in curries.

To improve the flavour of curries or deep-fried pumpkin flowers, respectively.

In Goan cuisine, daylilies can be used in salads or stir-fried meals because they are edible.

A highly coveted spice, saffron is utilised in biryanis and desserts from Goa.