Reduce the Redness:

9 tips to treat sunburn 

Cooling down the affected area is one of the simplest techniques to reduce sunburn. Take a bath to help cool and soothe your skin.

Soaking in cold water with a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda in a bathtub will help minimise sun damage. You can also add oats to soothe irritation while retaining the skin’s natural moisture.

Applying aloe vera gel directly to the skin provides immediate, soothing relief from the sting of minor sunburn.

Brew chamomile tea, let it cool, soak a washcloth in it, and apply it to the affected region to treat sunburn.

A sunburn draws fluid to the skin and away from the rest of the body. Rehydrate with plenty of water or a low-sugar electrolyte drink.

Wear clothing that does not stick to your skin as it heals from sunburn.

After the initial treatment, care for your skin by applying moisturiser to the damaged areas regularly.

It's best to forego some of your typical skincare routine for the time being. Exfoliators and scrubs will just aggravate the pain and may cause extra damage to your skin, as can toners.

When your skin peels as a result of sunburn, the layer beneath becomes more sensitive to sunburn. Keep yourself safe the next time you're out in the sun. Don’t forget the sunscreen.