7 Plants Bad For Taurus

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Ferns: Taurus prefers low-maintenance plants, and ferns can be finicky with humidity and care.

Orchids: These delicate flowers require constant attention and might not align with Taurus' practicality.

Bonsai Trees: Taurus may find the meticulous care of bonsais too time-consuming.

Sensitive Plants: Taurus might not appreciate the plant's rapid leaf-folding response to touch.

Venus Flytrap: These carnivorous plants need specific conditions that can be challenging for Taurus to maintain.

Begonias: Prone to pests and diseases, begonias may frustrate Taurus' desire for low-maintenance plants.

Azaleas: These shrubs require regular pruning and might not align with Taurus' practicality.