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Igor Stimac Consulted Astrologer to Pick Indian Football Team

Producer: Ritayan Basu

Igor Stimac has come under the scanner for consulting a Delhi-based astrologer

Igor Stimac  sent the list of the 11 probables to Bhupesh Sharmaahead of India’s games

According to feedback from the astrologer, Igor Stimac picked his team

It was an one-off incident but rather occurred more than once

Igor Stimac and the astrologer reportedly exchanging a number of texts

Igor Stimac would give the astrologer the players' date of birth to seek suggestions 

Igor Stimac also updated him about the fitness of the player as well

Igor Stimac was introduced to the astrologer by former secretary general of AIFF Kushal Das

Igor Stimac did not reveal the names of the payers to the astrologer, so as to not leak team information