Eyes Wide Open:  Easy tips to wake up early

Avoid using devices that emit blue light before going to bed to fall asleep quickly and be less averse to an early wake-up call the next morning.

As you should avoid strong light at night, you should actively seek it out in the morning.

Give yourself a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Don’t sleep late on the weekends. It will unravel your efforts during the week, interrupting your natural body clock.

Start slow and steady. The most effective strategy to successfully modify your sleep cycle is to do so in 15- to 20-minute increments.

Exercise lays the groundwork for a good night's sleep. When you exhaust your body via physical activity, tiredness sets in sooner the next evening.

Remember that drinking a glass of water before going to bed can result in a trip to the toilet in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep rhythm.

An underlying sleep issue or medical condition may be the cause of your inability to get a good night's sleep. Find out what it is.

Early exposure to hot or cold water can offset your natural body temperature and quickly wake you up.