Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

5 Food Combinations That Work Well

1. Plant-Based Iron and Vitamin C

Plant-based iron, needs a little boost by being combined with a source of vitamin C for optimal absorption. Add a squeeze of lemon to you tasty spinach salad.

2. Vegetables and Healthy Fats

The most effective way to release vitamins from vegetables is to sprinkle a little nuts or a splash of oil over your vegetable recipes.

3. Good Fats and Vitamin K

Vitamin K protects your bones. The vitamin is fat-soluble, though, so if you don’t eat any fat at the same time, your body won’t be able to absorb it. As leafy greens are a fantastic source of vitamin K, you should always eat them with healthy fats like those found in walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, or olive oil.

4. Soy and Tomatoes

This combination may be beneficial for those who have prostate cancer or a family history of the disease. According to experts, this is probably because the antioxidant chemicals lycopene from tomatoes and isoflavones from soy interact.

5. Rice and Dal

One of the most pervasive myths is that vegetarian diets don’t contain enough complete protein. The most effective approach to do this is to combine rice with lentils. While pulses are high in lysine and low in cysteine and methionine, rice includes cysteine and methionine, sulfur-containing amino acids.