10 Easy Cooking Hacks You Should Know

Cutting cheese, without smashing your log into an unrecognisable mass, is certainly a task. You can use a piece of dental floss to carve out neat slices.

Dental floss to cut cheese

How to prevent pasta from sticking to the utensil while boiling? Just add a teaspoon of oil. It will help you.

Add oil to pasta water

Freezing ginger makes grating easier. It also prevents the ginger from getting stale or rotten.

Freeze ginger before grating

Cut the ends of a kiwi with knife. Now, use a spoon to gently scoop out the flesh.

Use a spoon to peel kiwi

Freeze onions for 30 minutes and say bye-bye to tears. You can thank us later for the tip.

Tear-free onion chopping

Empty the garlic cloves into a jar, and close the lid. Shake it vigorously for at least 10 seconds. Voila!

Peel garlic in a jar

Trust us, it removes coffee and juice stains. When mixed with hydrogen peroxide, it is capable of cleaning sinks, faucets, and more.

Use baking soda

Put eggs in a glass or bowl of water. If the eggs sink in the water, they're fresh. If they float, discard them!

Check egg's freshness with water test

Potatoes can help in absorbing the extra salt and balancing the flavours of a dish.

Fix extra salt

Place a tissue on the bottom of a container and another one on the top, before sealing it. This tip will keep it fresh.

Keep your coriander fresh