12 Zodiac Signs And Their Happy Months

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Aries: Happy in March and April, when the weather warms and the days lengthen

Taurus: Happy in May, when nature is in bloom and the air is filled with the scent of flowers

Gemini: Happy in June, when the days are long and sunny and there are endless opportunities for fun and adventure

Cancer: Happy in July, when the family gathers together and there is a sense of warmth and togetherness

Leo: Happy in August, when they are in the spotlight and everyone is celebrating their achievements

Virgo: Happy in October and November, when the air is crisp and there is a sense of focus and productivity

Libra: Happy in September, when the leaves change color and there is a sense of balance and harmony in the world

Scorpio: Happy in November, when they are drawn to the darkness and the mystery of the unknown

Sagittarius: Happy in December, when they are dreaming of new adventures and possibilities.

Capricorn: Happy in January, when they are focused on their goals and determined to achieve success

Aquarius: Happy in February, when they are breaking free from the constraints of the past and forging their own path

Pisces: Happy in March, when they are inspired by new beginnings and the possibilities of the future