8 Simple Ways for Pest-Proofing Indoor Plants

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Examine a fresh plant carefully for indications of pests or illness before bringing it inside your house.

Use a moist cloth to regularly dust the leaves of your houseplants to remove dust and other debris that can attract pests.

To stop the infestation from spreading, segregate a plant from the others as soon as you see pests on it.

Make sure you water your plants correctly for their needs because overwatering might foster pest-attractive conditions. Avert sodding the ground.

To give your plants a good start, use a high-quality potting mix. Some pest infestations may be prevented by having good soil.

Don't forget to give your plants the appropriate quantity of light for their kind. 

Trim wasted blooms and dead or damaged leaves on a regular basis. Pruning increases air flow and removes bugs' hiding places.

Think about spraying plants with natural pest deterrents like neem oil, insecticidal soap, or a solution of water and mild dish soap.