786 is denoted to be an Angel number and a symbol of fortune and good health.
786 is said to be the numeric form of the Arabic phrase “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim”, meaning, ‘In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful’.
Legends also claim 786 in the numeric order of the Arabic alphabet substitutes to the name of Allah.
7+8+6=21 and 2+1=3 which often represent the holy "Trimurti" - Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.
The followers of Vedic Dharma believe 786 means "OM" a symbol of the sacred sound.
In Hinduism, the Swarg Lok (Heaven) is said to be represented by the number 7, the Prithvi Lok (Earth) by 8, and Patal Lok (Hell or below Earth) by 6.
The currency notes with the number 786 are considered a prized possession. They're treasured for luck by many and even sold at higher prices.
According to Hebrew in Jewish Astrology, 786 is said to mean ultimate salvation.
The sum of 7,8, and 6 is 21, the same amount of days required for a fetus to gain consciousness in the womb of their mother.
Many believe the number 7 in the 786 stands for luck, likewise, 8 is denoted as stability and 9 is denoted to be a symbol of positivity and new opportunities.