Producer: Peuli Bakshi


Weaver Bird

They are known for their intricate, hanging nests made from woven grasses and leaves. They often create colonies with hundreds of nests in a single tree.


Ovenbirds build dome-shaped nests with a side entrance. These nests are typically placed on the ground, resembling tiny ovens, hence the name.

Edible-Nest Swiftlet

Their nests are made entirely from the saliva of swiftlets. They are collected for their culinary and medicinal value.


Tailorbirds sew leaves together using plant fibers or spider silk, creating a pouch-like nest in the foliage.

Pied Kingfisher

They dig tunnels into riverbanks, creating nests that lead to burrows where they lay their eggs.

Horned Coot

They build floating nests anchored to aquatic vegetation, offering their eggs protection from predators.

Gila Woodpecker

They excavate holes in saguaro cacti, creating nesting cavities. These cavities serve as safe homes for their chicks, protected from harsh desert conditions.


They are known for their sturdy, enormous, fortress-like nests, constructed from sticks, grass, and mud.

Eurasian Penduline Tit

They build hanging nests from plant fibers, suspended from the branches of trees. Their nests often sway in the breeze, making them challenging for predators to access.

Bald Eagle

They build the largest nests among all birds, called eyries, in tall trees, often near water bodies. These nests can weigh up to a ton.