9 of India's Best Low-Light Plants

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Snake plants are robust and tolerant of low light levels. They also aid in air filtration.

Elegant white flowers on peace lilies, which can survive in low light. They are excellent for purifying the air as well.

ZZ plants require very little care and can thrive in dim lighting. These plants have lovely glossy foliage.

Pothos is a hardy plant that can thrive in a range of lighting situations, even low light.

Chinese evergreens are suited for low light locations and come in a variety of colourful kinds.

Spider plants are a common choice for indoor areas since they are hardy and can flourish in low light.

As its name suggests, the cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) is hardy and tolerant to low light levels.

Due to their modest size and exquisite design, parlour palms are ideal for indoor settings with dim lighting.

Philodendron plants come in a variety of varieties, and many of them can grow well in low light. Their foliage is lovely.