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5 Yoga Poses For The Perfect Jawline

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

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1. Air Kisses

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Yellow Wavy Line

You have to make a pout which pushes your lips outwards. Hold the pout for 10 to 20 seconds, release, and smile. Repeat the procedure until you feel the burn.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line
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2. Fish Face

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

You have to suck in your cheeks and smile. This helps stretch your face muscle and helps sharpen your jawline. It will also lift your cheekbones and give you a defined look.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line
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3. Teeth Clenching

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

All you have to do is clench your teeth like when you get angry. This helps your jawline to get a perfect shape. It also strengthens your shoulder and neck muscles.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line
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4. Puffer Fish

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Yellow Wavy Line

You have to just puff your cheeks and slowly tap each cheek for 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise works great for your jawline as well as reducing your wrinkles.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line
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5. Neck Stretches

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

All you have to do is take a deep breath and bend your chin to the left shoulder, pull it back in the center and then move it to the right shoulder. Repeat the cycle for 5 to 10 minutes.

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line