Running on the treadmill?  Follow these 9 tips to be a pro

No matter how energised you are, you should not attempt a 100-yard dash when you first get on the treadmill. Warm up your muscles before increasing your pace.

Avoid texting or engaging in phone conversations on the treadmill. It will ensure safety and you will get the most out of your workout.

Avoid constantly looking at your feet or checking the time and distance while on the treadmill. Always remain upright and straight, maintan a proper posture.

Set attainable goals for yourself. Always run at a comfortable pace and avoid pushing yourself too far; this can cause you to lose control and tumble.

Utilise the handrails while getting acquainted to the movement of a machine, but utilising the handrails for an extended period of time can place extra strain on shoulders and elbows.

Do not go barefoot on the treadmill. The moving belt of a treadmill generates heat and friction, and feet must be protected from these elements.

It's a good idea to make sure there's nothing behind the treadmill that an exerciser could strike their head on if they fall off.

A moving treadmill should be turned off entirely before exiting the machine.

If you use a treadmill, you should be aware of where the emergency stop button is situated so that it can be swiftly halted if they are hurt or a piece of clothing becomes entangled in the machine.