10 Plants That Bloom in Autumn

Producer: Peuli Bakshi


These are classic fall flowers that come in various colors.


Asters come in various species, and their daisy-like blooms are a staple of fall gardens.


These yellow, plume-like flowers are a common sight in late summer and early fall.

Japanese Anemone

These tall, graceful flowers bloom in shades of pink and white.


Marigolds have vibrant orange and yellow flowers and are popular for brightening up fall gardens.


Pansies come in various colors and are known for their charming, 'face-like' blooms.


Certain varieties of roses, such as the Autumn Damask and Fourth of July, bloom in autumn .

Russian Sage

With its silvery foliage and spiky lavender-blue flowers, Russian sage is a fall favorite.

Autumn Crocus

These delicate flowers add a touch of elegance to fall gardens.


Also called helenium, these daisy-like flowers bring vibrant colors to autumn gardens.