7 Incredible Benefits Of

Coconut Oil For Hair And Skin

Scribbled Underline

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

The constant exposure to dust, pollutant and chemical used in care products, put our skin and hair at risk of degradation.

And if you have also been struggling to overcome such effects on your skin and hair, it’s time to try coconut oil and get the nourishment you need.

Deep Conditioning

Coconut oil can penetrate the hair strands and prevent protein loss from hair. It is an excellent oil for deep conditioning the hair as it will add lustre, soften the hair, tame the frizz and minimize dandruff.

Face Moisturiser

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturizing properties. Include coconut oil in your night-time skincare regimen. Simply rub the oil in circular motions on your face and neck.

Makeup Remover

All your water-proof and smudge-proof makeup can be easily removed without a mess with the help of coconut oil. Other than removing the makeup, it also keeps the skin hydrated. 


Instead of buying expensive shaving cream, use coconut oil to shave your legs, hands, or underarms. Coconut oil is inexpensive, antimicrobial, smells soothing, and will keep your legs hydrated post-shave.

Nourish the Cuticles

The most overlooked part of the body is the nails. Applying coconut oil and massaging it into the cuticles around the nails will provide much-needed moisturization. 

Substitute for Lotion

If you have dry and itchy skin, grab your coconut oil bottle and apply it generously instead of lotion.

DIY Hair Mask

Add a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey, and aloe vera gel to coconut oil, and voila! Your DIY hair mask is ready to work its magic on your hair.