9 easy tips to combat a hangover

Refrain from drinking whisky, cognac, and tequila which have a greater congener level. Congeners are chemicals found in alcoholic beverages which contribute to hangover.

Avoid Drinks High in Congeners

Alcohol acts as a diuretic, increasing your desire to urinate. Drinking water in between alcoholic beverages can help keep you hydrated.

Stay Hydrated

Consume food before drinking. It slows alcohol absorption and reduce the severity of hangovers.


Getting enough rest after drinking may help alleviate hangover.

Get Adequate Sleep

Eating a balanced breakfast helps in restoring depleted nutrients and stabilising blood sugar levels.

Have a Nutritious Breakfast

Sports drinks are intended to help you restore lost nutrients and rehydrate fast. They help with hangovers too.

Sports Drink

Caffeine may not have special anti-hangover properties, but it alleviates grogginess as a stimulant. Be aware of talking alcohol and caffeine together.

Drink Caffeine

Eating and drinking more zinc and B vitamins results in fewer severe hangovers.

Foods Rich in Zine and Vitamin B

The severity of hangovers grows in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol ingested. The best approach to avoid a hangover is to limit or avoid drinking.

Limit Drinking