Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

10 Tips To Grow Jade Plant At Home

Jade plants love sunlight. So make sure you place it at a spot where it can get maximum light.

Select a container that has at least one drainage hole.

Fill the container with potting mix that'll provide nourishment to your plant.

Jade plants are succulents, so they do not thrive in moisture.

It'll need watering every 2-3 weeks. It'll need even less water during winters.

Use appropriate fertilizer for the plant to grow at optimum speed.

Jade plants need to pruned only when you see dead, dying, or shriveled branches.

Easy to propagate, create more jade plants by breaking off pieces and sticking them in soil so they can form roots.

You will need to repot your plant every 2-3 years.

Jade plants tend to get dusty. Use a moist cloth to gently wipe the leaves clean or gently spray with water.