10 Plants That Produce Flowers With 5 Petals

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Daisies feature classic white petals with a yellow center, each having five distinct petals.

Morning glories exhibit trumpet-shaped flowers with five petals and come in various colors

Wild roses, such as the dog rose, typically have five delicate pink or white petals

Clematis vines produce striking, star-shaped flowers with five or more petals.

Bachelor's buttons, or cornflowers, are known for their vibrant blue blooms, each with five petals

Black-eyed Susans display golden-yellow petals surrounding a dark center with five petals

Pentas, a popular garden flower, bear clusters of star-shaped blossoms with five petals

Phlox flowers come in different shades and have five-petaled, fragrant blooms.