Peace Rules: The 10 safest countries in the world in 2023


The nation has held the title of the world’s safest and most tranquil nation for 14 years.


The European nation is not only the second safest country but is also the happiest. It provides a safe and equitable space for its residents, who enjoy free higher education and healthcare.


This European country stands in third place, which is a significant increase from its once 11th spot.

New Zealand

This is the first non-European country on the list. The crime rate in New Zealand is very low and violent crime is extremely rare.


This landlocked EU country is the world’s fifth safest. Its rich culture and strong economy bolster the residents.


Singapore comes sixth in the race of safest places in the world due to its high sense of security and positive interactions with law enforcement.


This Southern European country once stood at number 18 on the list. However, it has made great strides to climb the ladder to a safer level.


This mountainous Central Europe features a dramatic landscape with an excellent quality of life. It is ranked as the eighth safest in the world this year.


Japan came ninth as the country believes in national character and social harmony. It also has little internal conflict and very low crime rates.


This EU country is the tenth safest, with petty theft being the biggest crime. Additionally, it has a democratic government, a stable economy, and a low crime rate.