Do you burp too much?  These 9 tips can help prevent it

Carbonated beverages contain carbon dioxide gas, which can cause burping. Either drink them slowly, letting the gas to escape before swallowing or opt for non- carbonated drinks.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Consume your food slowly and completely. Eating too fast can cause you to swallow air, which can result in burping.

Slow down while eating

If you have a habit of burping excessively, attempt to cut back or switch to sugar-free alternatives.

Avoid chewing gum

Beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and carbonated drinks can cause gas in your digestive system, causing you to burp more frequently.

Say no to gas producing foods

Sitting up straight with your back erect helps to reduce stomach compression, lowering pressure and the likelihood of burping.

Sit straight while eating

Stress and unpleasant emotions can disrupt digestion and cause burping. Deep breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and engaging in enjoyable activities can all assist to reduce stress and improve better digestion.

Manage stress

Eat in moderation. It's important to provide your stomach ample room to effectively mix meals and digestive secretions.

Avoid overeating

Smoking can cause you to swallow air, which can lead to burping.

Avoid smoking

Peppermint tea helps to reduce symptoms of indigestion, including burping.

Drink peppermint tea