Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

9 Mistakes To Avoid During Courtship Period

The courtship period in a relationship can be exciting and, at the same time, pretty nerve-wracking. Follow these tips to steer clear of mistakes during your courtship period.

Don’t try to make any sort of assumption about the other person, when you meet them initially.

Try to have emotional intimacy with the other person and understand them better before you think of having sex with them.

Don’t try to doubt the other person’s intentions during the initial stage of dating. Instead, listen to their opinions, and respect them.

Never try to look past the red flags in any person; and if there is something wrong about them, contemplate seriously about it.

People should remember that they are meeting a stranger and not a life partner. They are not obliged to talk to you all the time, spend weekends with you, or commit to you right away.

Excessive texting can sabotage the relationship; deep conversations via texting during the courtship period should be avoided.

Waiting for them to text first and knowingly not texting them, these childish acts are likely to give an impression to the other person that you are not interested in them at all.

Don’t worry whether they like you or not; just show them your true self and rest, leave it up to destiny.

Don’t go into your first date with any fixed ideas in mind. They may not be the perfect partner for you.