AAMIR KHANThe actor recently shared a video with his daughter Ira Khan and spoke about the importance of mental health and therapy
DEEPIMA PADUKONEThe actress has been vocal about her depression and how encircling herself with people worked big time for her
DEEPIMA PADUKONEShe said, "But the nagging sensation persisted. I was having trouble focusing, had short breaths, and frequently lost it."
GUL PANAGGul said, "Mental well-being is very important to me. I started my journey towards mental health very late in life but I am glad that I did."
GUL PANAGShe added , "I want to say that it is equally important to take care of your mental health as much as you take care of your physical health."
GUL PANAGAamir Khan's daughter has always been vocal about her mental health issues and battle with depression
SHAHEEN BHATTShaheen Bhatt told Firstpost how people confuse mental health with depression, and also revealed people reached out to her after she spoke about her depression
SHRUTI SETHShruti said, "Just like we take care of our physical health, be it with the right kind of diet, exercise, correct amount of sleep, hydration, I feel it is equally important to be just as focused on building a healthy mind."
SHWETA KAWATRAAShweta said, "On World Mental Health Day, I want to send out a message to all expecting and new mothers that it is okay to acknowledge the mental health issues and take steps towards dealing with it."
VIR DASVir Das confessed, "I am in therapy and it helps me through very dark times."