5 Remedies For Pitra Dosh Using Ganga Water

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Add Ganga Water to Offerings

The Ganga River holds profound sanctity in Sanatan Dharma. A few drops of Ganga water should be mixed with food and water offerings before they are presented. 

Sprinkle Ganga Water

Regularly sprinkling Ganga water around the house throughout the 15 days of Pitru Paksha is believed to usher in happiness and prosperity, bestowing enduring  joy upon the inhabitants.

Ancestors’ Presence

It is believed that during Pitru Paksha, ancestral spirits may be present anywhere within the household. Sprinkling them with Ganga water is seen as a means of facilitating their contentment and connecting with them.

Enhancing Tarpan Offerings

When offering Tarpan to ancestors during Solah Shraddha (16 days of paying homage to ancestors), adding a few drops of Ganga water along with black sesame seeds can bring salvation to ancestors.

Southward Blessings

According to astrology, the south direction of the house is considered the domain of the ancestors. Sprinkling Ganga water in this direction during Solah Shraddha is believed to provide salvation to ancestors.