Anger Management: Avoid these 9 foods to manage your rage

Tomato is considered a ‘hot food,’ which can cause heat in the body to rise, resulting in angriness.


Brinjal is high in acidity and eating it can result in the feeling of anger or frustration.


While dried fruits are a nutritious complement to your diet, they might irritate certain people. This is owing to the fact that these foods are light and airy.

Dried fruits

Milk, yoghurt, cheese, milkshakes, and other dairy products can cause cognitive fog and irritability in many people.

Dairy products

Coffee, energy drinks, black tea, and certain sodas contain caffeine, a stimulant that heighten emotions. It also increases feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.


Foods containing high sugars like candies, chocolate, sugary drinks, and desserts often lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in energy crashes, mood swings, and irritation.

Sugary foods

Processed or fast foods contain high unhealthy fats, additives, and preservatives, which are responsible for inflammation and disturbance of neurotransmitters in the body, resulting in bad mood.

Processed or fast food

Are you the one who turns towards alcohol to deal with stress and anger? Alcohol only makes things worse affecting the mood negatively, as it a depressant.


Spicy foods include capsaicin, which causes the burning sensation when we eat them and also causes stress hormones like adrenaline to be released, heightening anxiety and aggravation.

Spicy foods