California has been the first US state to adopt several gun safety reforms, ranging from assault weapons restrictions and strong background check requirements to extreme risk protection orders and domestic violence protections.


New Jersey has the fourth-strongest gun laws in the United States. The Garden State has the third-lowest rate of firearm deaths in the country and the lowest rate of firearm ownership with guns in 8.9% of households.

New Jersey

Connecticut gun laws require training, background check and permitting requirements for the purchase of firearms and ammunition. However, there is no permit required for the purchase of firearms, except handguns.


Hawaii has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States. Under Hawaii’s gun laws, purchasers are required to obtain a license and complete a firearm safety course. They must also pass a universal background check.


Illinois requires a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card to purchase firearms and ammunition. Illinois also has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States.


Maryland requires a license to purchase firearms and ammunition. The Maryland State Police maintain a registry of "regulated firearms" that are allowed to be sold within the state.


While Massachusetts' firearms laws are some of the strictest in the United States, they do not apply to travellers who comply with the Firearm Owners Protection Act's traveller's exemption. A license is required by state law for buying firearms and ammunition.


New York's gun laws aimed to prevent criminals and those who threaten to harm themselves or others from buying or possessing guns, cracks down on illegal guns and bans only the most dangerous assault weapons.

New York

A safety certificate from the Department of Environmental Management is required to purchase a handgun in Rhode Island. A concealed carry license is also required to carry a concealed handgun in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island

A license is required to purchase firearms and ammunition in the United States Washington state. The state has recently passed a bill that would ban all AR-15 and AK-47 rifles.
