World Food Day  Easy Kitchen Hacks to reduce food waste

Meal Planning Plan your meals for the week and make a shopping list accordingly

First In, First Out (FIFO) Place older items at the front of the fridge or pantry and newer items at the back

Understand Expiry Dates "Best before" indicates the quality of the product, while "use by" indicates safety

Portion Control Serve smaller portions to prevent leftovers from becoming food waste

Leftover Transformation  Turn last night's dinner into a new dish by adding fresh ingredients

Freeze and Label Freeze and label surplus food portion-sized containers with date

Compost Bin If you have a garden, consider starting a compost bin for fruit and vegetable scraps

DIY Stock and Broth Use vegetable peels, bones, and other kitchen scraps to make homemade stock or broth

Revive Wilted Produce  If your vegetables are starting to wilt, don't throw them away

Canning and Preserving Learn how to can or preserve surplus fruits and vegetables