Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

7 Tips to Take Care of Rubber Plants

One of the key benefits of having rubber plants in your home is their ability to purify the air.

These green companions contribute to maintaining a clean and pure indoor environment. 

To help your rubber plant thrive, consider the following measures.

Before planting your rubber plant, it’s essential to select a container or pot that provides effective drainage. Proper water drainage is critical to prevent overwatering and root rot.

Ensure the chosen pot is filled with the right type of soil. Seek expert advice on the most suitable soil for rubber plant cultivation. Acidic soil is often recommended for optimal growth.

Acquire a small rubber plant sapling and plant it in the prepared pot or bag. Decide on the location where you want to place your plant—whether it’s on your balcony, terrace, or in your living room.

To support the vigorous growth of your rubber plant, it is advised to mix vermicompost and cow dung into the soil. This enriches the soil and provides essential nutrients.

 Avoid the common mistake of daily watering, which can lead to root damage due to excessive moisture. Water your rubber plant only when the soil becomes dry, which helps prevent overwatering.

Place your rubber plant in an area where it can receive ample sunlight. Adequate sunlight is crucial for the plant’s overall health and growth.

Protect your plant from common pests by occasionally spraying it with neem oil. This natural solution can help keep your rubber plant pest-free.