Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

9 Parenting Tips to Raise Teenagers

Adolescence is a phase marked by significant physical, emotional, and behavioural changes. While it can be a turbulent period for both teenagers and their parents, effective parenting is vital. 

It’s essential for parents not to react with anger or harsh discipline when dealing with their teenage children’s rebellion.

Teenagers experience a multitude of challenges, including academic and personal failures. It’s crucial for parents not to demoralize them by comparing them to others or scolding them when they fail.

Parents should actively engage in their children’s social lives, getting to know their friends and their friends’ families.

Communication is the cornerstone of good parenting. Maintain an open line of dialogue with your teenagers. 

While understanding and flexibility are crucial, it’s equally important to establish reasonable boundaries. Teenagers need structure to feel secure. 

Children often model their behaviour on that of their parents. Set a positive example for your teenagers by demonstrating the values and behaviours you want them to adopt.

While teenagers still need guidance, they are also developing their independence. Encourage them to make decisions and take on responsibilities appropriate to their age.

Remember that it’s a phase, and with patience and understanding, you can navigate it successfully.

Sometimes, teenagers may face complex emotional or behavioural issues that require professional intervention. Don’t hesitate to seek help from a counsellor when necessary.