8 Incredible Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Surya Namaskar has multifaceted benefits to the human body.

Comprising of 12 postures, it is a wholesome and enriching experience for the entire body.

For weight loss, the intensive workout focuses on every part of the body and helps in losing the flab evenly.

By gradually increasing the number of rounds, it aids in shedding extra pounds.

Performing Surya Namaskar keeps the skin young as it improves blood circulation and circulates it to all parts of the body.

 It aids the skin in retaining its firmness. Because it also energizes you, it provides your face with a radiant glow, making your skin look ravishing.

Since it relieves your mind and body of stress, it precludes the onset of wrinkles.

As a result of improving blood circulation, it prevents hair loss.

Various poses of Surya Namaskar prevent grey hair.

It also nourishes the head and promotes healthy hair growth.