The countries with the best pension systems in 2023 are...

Netherlands Netherlands is often cited as having one of the best pension systems globally, with an overall index value of 85.0.

Iceland Iceland has claimed the second position in the Global Pension Index with an overall index value of 83.5. The country places a strong emphasis on the financial well-being of its retirees.

Denmark Danish citizens enjoy a high level of income security during retirement, and the system is well-funded and sustainable. Denmark has secured the third position with an overall index value of 81.3.

Israel Israel's pension system has evolved over the years, and now is the fourth best in the world, with an overall index value of 80.8.

Australia Known for its well-regulated financial structure, Australia has the world’s fifth best pension systems, with an overall index value of 77.3.

Finland Finland has a well-regarded pension system that is designed to provide financial security to its citizens during their retirement years, with an overall index value of 76.6.

Singapore Singapore has the world's seventh best pension system, with an overall index score of 76.6, and offers its inhabitants a comprehensive social security savings plan.

Norway Norway's pension system combines a state pension, occupational pensions, and individual savings plans and has ranked eighth, with an overall index value of 74.4.

Sweden The Swedish pension system, which ranked at number nine with an overall income index 74.0, is designed to provide retirees with a comfortable income.

UK The UK ranked tenth in Global Pension Index 2023 with an overall income index 73,0.

India According to the survey, India had an overall index value of 45.9, up from 44.5 in 2022, placing 45th out of 47 retirement income schemes examined.